In general, SMG and LMG have terrible horizontal recoil so Accuracy is more important Higher Handling reduces vertical recoil on 10+ round bursts Higher Accuracy reduces horizontal recoil on 10+ round bursts On full-auto SMG/LMG weapons (I looked at the Vector and Stoner): You will get a faster follow-on shot with the TAC-50 and the Scorpio Scout is even twice as fast as the TAC. Given the M82's horrible recoil, it's semi-auto action is pretty much lost. The more recoil (lower stat bar) the longer you're going to need to wait for a follow-up shot. You can see this comparing the TAC-50 (better) to the M82 (worse) to the Z93 (horrible) just by watching how much the riticule shoots up when you fire. A higher Recoil stat means better recoil which means less recoil. So from what I could see, I would choose Accuracy over Handling every time Higher Accuracy also seems to have the cross-hairs return to the target quicker Holding your breath eliminates any difference accuracy might have. Higher Accuracy helps control sway ever so slightly without holding your breath. I spent some time testing different weapons today and this is consistent with what I found. Here's my previous thread on this topic, and my findings.