Of course, it wasn’t until I was about three weeks into the game that I finally broke down and asked for help regarding my inventory. So many gorgeous vistas in Morrowind, even though it can be a really strange island that shifts biomes in a heartbeat. I guess that’s mostly because they’re portrayed as just people rather than Mary Sues. It’s not an attractive look, that’s for sure, but the weird thing is that these elves have actually ended up being far less annoying than your average brand of snobby, arrogant elf.

Pretty much 95% of the NPCs I encounter are these dusky skinned, red eyed people. Morrowind is, if I haven’t mentioned it, Dark Elf Country. With pretty much everyone dead, naturally. In regards to the latter, there were at least two times that my eyebrows shot up when then game pulled no punches and left me wondering how it was all going to turn out. I never know when I take a quest if it’ll be a one-shot thing or if it’s going to kick off this monster 15-parter that involves assassins, betrayal, house politics, and Game of Thrones-style showdowns. What continues to delight is the richness of the storytelling that goes on here. Rest assured, it’s quickly become a Mainstay MMO for me, and every day I’m logging in and learning more about this quirky (and beautiful) title.

In specific, I’ve been dumping in loads of time into Elder Scrolls Online, but I think this is only my third or fourth post on the subject. For example, a fire enchantment one a gauntlet will only boost the damage of that element, but putting it on a shield will make it so that it damages the enemy while blocking.This has been a really weird month for me, especially in regards to gaming and blogging, and my output here on Bio Break hasn’t accurately conveyed how much I’ve been playing certain titles. Some items have different effects or types of enchantments that can be given. This means that potions, ingredients or decorations cannot be enchanted. Only equipable items can have enchantments. Items can be forged, some acquired in drops, found inside chests, obtained as a reward for completing a quest or in the abyss, or purchased through their type's respective shop owner.Įnchantments Main article: Enchanting (Blades)Įnchantments can be put on certain items.

Upon collection, items are sorted into specific categories, to help organize them and distinguish them from others. Items in The Elder Scrolls: Blades, are objects that, once collected, are added to the Fugitive's inventory.